Frequently Asked Questions related to Coastline Christian's COVID-19 Response

Frequently Asked Questions Related to Coastline Christian Academy’s COVID-19 closure: 

Will there be a break in tuition during this time that our kids are not in school? 

We want you to know that we understand the nature of this question. Things have changed for all of us and we recognize the burden you now feel to facilitate your child’s learning at home. But we as your Board of Directors want to assure you that our administrative and teaching staff are working as hard as ever to keep their promise of providing our students with quality education every day. Even with our doors closed, we have our regular expenses to pay including staff salaries. We are doing all that we can to save money during this time by suspending some of the services we regularly pay for such as our janitorial service, but our bills still need to be paid. We ask that you do all that you can to continue to pay your monthly tuition during this time. 

Please know that we as a Board are praying about and discussing ways that we might alleviate some financial burden for those Coastline families that have suffered significant financial loss during this time. 

Please contact Deedee Underwood ( or Board president Dave Wilcox ( with specific financial concerns 

Will remote learning include opportunities for “live” instruction for my child with his/her teacher? 

Beginning the week of March 30, our remote learning platform will include weekly live classroom instruction as well as regular one to one phone/FaceTime conversations between your child and his/her teacher. Your child’s teacher will be communicating with you about the schedule for these meetings. 

Why can’t we go to 100% live instruction in each class daily? 

There are two reasons for this. First, we need to be mindful that some families are sharing a device among their students. In some cases, parents who are now working from home also need to share devices with their children. Secondly, we don’t want your child to be in front of a screen all day. Please encourage your child to take screen time breaks. By having some of our teaching be “asynchronous” (not “live”) we are hoping to build in some flexibility in your child’s daily schedule of learning to accommodate other healthy activities in your home. 

What if my family needs a device for my student’s use during this time? 

We have resources to help families in need. Please contact Deedee immediately for help. ( 

What about service hours? 

We are waiving all service hour commitments until our doors are open again. We will not be billing for service hours and there is no need to record service hours. We will revisit service hours once school reopens. 

When will school reopen? 

We are following the Santa Barbara and Goleta School District protocol for closure during this COVID-19 crisis. At this point, school will remain closed through May 1. We will make you aware of any information as it becomes available to us. 

What if I have additional questions? 

Please contact Deedee ( or Dave Wilcox ( with your questions and concerns. We will attempt to answer each question and post frequently asked questions to this page. 

Becca Eliasen